Terms and Conditions


  1. These Terms and Conditions regulate the internal rules of operation of Quake - Lisbon Earthquake Centre ("Quake"), the purchase of tickets either in person or through electronic means for Quake, the acquisition of any other products available in the physical and online shops and also the use of the website (www.lisbonquake.com).
  2. The Terms and Conditions are the responsibility of Turcultur - Turismo e Cultura de Portugal, Lda. ("Turcultur"), a private limited company, with registered office at Rua do Embaixador, n.º 126 A Loja, 1300-218 Lisboa, registered at the Commercial Registry under the single registration and VAT number 514 183 152.
  3. Attendance at Quake and the purchase of tickets or any other products available in the physical and online shops presuppose the reading, knowledge and acceptance of the present Terms and Conditions.
  4. By clicking on the button that says "I accept the terms and conditions of the site and the Privacy Policy", the user of the Website is consenting to the present terms and conditions, in the part relating to the use of the Website.
  5. Turcultur reserves the right to change, add to or delete all or part of these Terms and Conditions, which shall take effect upon their disclosure on the Website, with the Terms and Conditions in force at the time of purchase applying to any purchase.


General conditions of use of the Website 

  1. The use of the Website is free of charge. The user of the Website ("User") may nevertheless subscribe through the website for services and products to which costs and conditions may be attached.
  2. The User undertakes:
  3. In the event of non-compliance with the above provisions, Turcultur reserves the right to suspend or terminate the services associated with the website, as well as to cooperate with the authorities to reveal the identity of the offender and initiate the respective criminal proceedings. 
  4. The user expressly recognises and accepts that the IP Network constitutes a public electronic communications network that can be used by several users and, as such, is subject to computer overloads, whereby Turcultur does not guarantee the provision of the services associated with the website without interruptions, loss of information or delays. 
  5. Turcultur reserves the right to make changes and corrections, suspend or close the website when it considers it appropriate, regardless of any prior or subsequent communication to users.

Disclaimer on the use of the Website 

  1. The website has adequate levels of security. However, Turcultur will not be liable for any damages suffered by the user and/or third parties, due to delays, interruptions, errors and suspensions of communications originating from factors beyond its control, namely any deficiencies or failures caused by the communications network or communications services provided by third parties, the computer system, the modems, the connection software or any computer viruses or arising from the downloading ("downloading") through the service of files infected with or containing viruses or other properties that may affect the user's equipment.  
  2. If it is impossible to provide the service due to an error in accessing the website, Turcultur will not be liable for any possible damages. 
  3. Turcultur guarantees the existence of the exhibition circuit published on the Website on the date of the respective consultation and states that it uses all means at its disposal to ensure the accuracy and integrity of the information contained therein, although it will not be held responsible in the event that the information provided is not accurate or complete. 
  4. In the event that the Website contains links to other pages and third party material, these links are provided for information purposes only, without our having any control over the content of these pages or material. Turcultur therefore accepts no liability for any damage or loss due to their use. 
  5. This disclaimer is not intended to limit or exclude the liability of Turcultur outside the cases in which this is legally permissible.

Intellectual Property Rights of the Website 

  1. The content of the website, including images, text, advertising, audio, video or other materials, is protected by copyright and related rights under the general terms of the law and by national and international legislation on the protection of intellectual property.
  2. You may not display, reproduce, modify or transmit the content of the website in any way, whether for public or commercial purposes, without the prior express written consent of Turcultur.  
  3. The aforesaid does not prevent the User from using this Website to copy information regarding purchases made or the Contract data or other uses authorised by law, to the extent necessary. 
  4. Unless expressly authorised in writing by Turcultur, all banners, links, hyperlinks, framing or anything similar that may be established towards the website are prohibited. 
  5. Any infringement of the provisions of this point will be considered an infringement of Turcultur's legitimate intellectual property rights concerning the website and its content.
  6. Personal data freely provided to us, whether by email, file submission or otherwise, shall be considered non-confidential and non-reserved. By transmitting content to this website, the Client grants Turcultur all rights and exclusive property over that content, agreeing to use it freely.

Quake internal rules 

  1. Quake is a thematic experience that allows us to see and feel the Great Lisbon Earthquake. It is an invitation, in the form of a time travel, to discover more about the 1755 Earthquake, the Age of Enlightenment, Lisbon and seismic events.  
  2. The Quake experience will last approximately 100 minutes. 
  3. The visitor to the Quake ("Client") can choose the session and the number of tickets to buy. 
  4. Tickets can be purchased through the website's online ticket office, authorised partners or at the Quake. 
  5. Group Visits (with more than 10 people, School Visits, Birthday Parties, or others) should preferably be booked directly with Quake, at least 7 days in advance. 
  6. Each ticket is valid for a single entry and includes access to the various rooms and the earthquake experience. 
  7. It is forbidden to resell the ticket or use for any commercial or promotional purposes. 
  8. The Customer must bring the tickets on paper or in electronic format and validate them at the Quake reception.  
  9. Turcultur reserves the right to ask any customer for their identification document. If the legitimacy of the purchased ticket is not confirmed, Turcultur reserves the right to refuse access to the Quake, and there will be no refund of the ticket price. 
  10. The proof of purchase (ticket) is personal and non-transferable, so any misuse of it is the sole responsibility of the customer. 
  11. The sharing or forwarding of tickets in electronic format to any other phone number or email address that does not correspond to the one indicated by the customer at the time of payment is the sole and exclusive responsibility of the customer, and may make access to Quake impossible. Turcultur is not responsible for any inconvenience caused by a duplicate ticket and duplicate tickets may be refused entry.
  12. If the customer is not present at the entrance of the building on the date and time of the session corresponding to the ticket purchased, Turcultur reserves the right to cancel the purchase made, with no refund. For this reason, all customers should be present at the entrance of the Quake at least 15 minutes before the start time of the session. 
  13. Children under 6 years of age are not allowed. A child (6-12 years old) will not be able to walk through the exhibition unless accompanied by an adult or senior. To comply with this requirement, each adult or senior may accompany a maximum of 5 children, with the exception of school visits, group visits or birthday parties. 
  14. Admission will be refused to minors (13-17 years old) who are not accompanied by parents or other educators who take responsibility for them, or minors who do not present an authorization duly filled in with an emergency contact and signed by the parents or other educators responsible for them. In case of doubt, supporting documentation may be requested.
  15. The sessions should take place according to the established timetable. However, exceptional circumstances may justify the change of time or cancellation of a session. In this case, you will be guaranteed a replacement or refund of your ticket. 
  16. After entering and while at Quake, the Customer should keep the ticket in their possession, which may be requested by any Quake employee. 
  17. For a more interactive experience, the Customer will be given an RFID wristband at the entrance to the Quake. By using the wristband, the Customer consents that the experience can be recorded in a Photograph, for later purchase by the Customer. The RFID wristband gives access to information files that, selected by the Client, and after post-production of the Quake, are sent free of charge to the email provided by the Client. 
  18. Note that the interactive earthquake experience assumes some intensity and is likely to frighten more sensitive visitors, especially children. Also, this experience may not be suitable for pregnant women, people with epilepsy, people with cardiovascular disease, people with chronic illnesses, people with neurological diseases, people with sensitivity to light and people with neck, spine, hips and/or knee problems, and it is up to the Customer to decide the terms of participation of adults and children in the experience. Please note that this list is not exhaustive and does not exclude other medical conditions. In the cases mentioned in the previous article, Turcultur recommends that you consult your doctor before starting the experience. Turcultur cannot be held responsible for any medical episodes that may result from the experience. Turcultur also warns that the Client should inform himself/herself beforehand about all the risks that the experience may entail for his/her health. Turcultur does not take any responsibility for any medical consequences that may arise. 
  19. Bearing in mind that the Quake experience consists of a simulation of the Earthquake that affected Lisbon in 1755, it may be necessary during the experience to walk on uneven ground, climb stairs and pass through narrow places, so it is advisable to wear comfortable clothing and footwear. For the same reason, people with reduced mobility, who use wheelchairs, crutches, walkers or who, by any other condition, have locomotor difficulties should contact Turcultur, with a reasonable deadline of three days, before purchasing their ticket so that a recommendation can be made as to the most appropriate session to book, thus ensuring they have the best experience at Quake.
    Please be advised that the explanation of the events that occurred in Japan in 2011 (Tohoku Room) and the simulator that portrays the 1906 earthquake in San Francisco (San Francisco Room), both present in the Significant Earthquakes Room, are not accessible to people with reduced mobility, Therefore, this specific part of the experience will be adapted in the best way by our operations team.
    People with reduced mobility will only be able to fully enjoy the main 1755 Earthquake simulator if they have the ability to move and sit on the chairs that will later shake. Otherwise, they will only watch the image and sound effects.
  20. The experience is not adapted to the condition of blind or deaf. These cases must also be reported to Turcultur within a reasonable period of three days, with a view to advising on the choice of the most appropriate session, so that the Client can best enjoy the entire experience.
  21. Bearing in mind the circumstances of the experience described in the previous numbers, we advise that it is not advisable for the Client to bring too many objects into the building that could diminish the enjoyment and interactivity of the experience. Alternatively, the customer can always leave these objects in lockers suitable for this purpose and made available free of charge.

Quake rules of conduct 

  1. Turcultur reserves the right to refuse access or expel any Customer who appears to be drunk, intoxicated or under the influence of drugs, as well as any Customer whose behaviour disturbs others, causes damage or interferes with the good order of the service, with no refund or compensation being due to the Customer. 
  2. Smoking, including electronic cigarettes, alcoholic beverages or food products that are not purchased at Quake is prohibited. 
  3. Customers may not enter with sharp objects, glass bottles, cans, remote-controlled toys or drones, weapons or objects that can be used as such, or other objects or products that may jeopardize the safety of people and property. 
  4. For everyone's safety, a personal and goods search may be carried out at the entrance to the venue, which will be provided by the competent authority for this purpose. 
  5. Turcultur is not liable for any damage (personal or equipment) caused by non-compliance with these Terms and Conditions, as well as for any objects left inside its premises and objects lost in the Quake; these, when not claimed within 30 days, will be given to a charity. 
  6. Turcultur is entitled to charge participants for any intentional damage and/or damage caused by improper contact with the exhibited material.  
  7. Turcultur is not responsible for the loss or theft of personal belongings inside the exhibition. 
  8. Animals will not be allowed inside the building, except assistance dogs, provided that proof of certification is presented, under the terms of Decree-Law nº74/2007, of 27 March. 
  9. The customer can submit any question to Turcultur through the e-mail info@lisbonquake.com, as well as complain to Turcultur about acts and omissions that violate the applicable legal provisions, without prejudice to recourse to dispute resolution bodies.  
  10. A complaint may also be filed in the Physical Complaints Book (present in the establishment). 
  11. The complaint must be filed within 30 (thirty) days from the date of knowledge of the facts by the customer, and will be registered in Turcultur's information systems, which must decide on the complaint and notify the interested party within 30 (thirty) days from the date of receipt.

Quake Rules of Conduct during the pandemic 

  1. In accordance with the contingency plan for COVID-19 (Coronavirus), Turcultur has defined the specific rules of conduct during the Covid-19 pandemic contained in this section.  
  2. No entry is allowed to anyone presenting a symptom compatible with COVID-19. 
  3. It is the Customer's duty to comply with all indications and signs existing in the access areas, as well as in the circuits identified for entry and exit. 
  4. Customers must disinfect their hands when accessing Quake venues, using the alcohol-based antiseptic solution provided. 
  5. Turcultur has the duty to guarantee the measures imposed by the competent authorities, concerning the restriction of the capacity of each hall, in order to ensure safety distances between different groups of customers. 
  6. Turcultur has the duty to regularly clean spaces and equipment, according to the guidelines and directives of the Directorate General of Health. It also has the duty to ensure that all its employees wear face masks, in accordance with DGS Guideline 011/2021. 
  7. Turcultur must have visible signs at entrances, exits and strategic points of the Quake, stating the infection prevention and control measures to be followed.

Purchase of tickets on the Website 

  1. The user declares that they have the legal capacity to understand and contract the purchase of services provided by Turcultur, in accordance with the provisions of these Terms and Conditions. 
  2. The elements and information transmitted by the User will enjoy full legal effect, with the User recognising electronic purchases and the lack of signature cannot be used as grounds for non-fulfilment of obligations undertaken.  
  3. The User can choose the session and the number of tickets to be purchased. 
  4. The User must not make any false or fraudulent purchases. If Turcultur believes that a purchase of this nature has been made, it may cancel it and inform the competent authorities. 
  5. When making the purchase, the User must provide his or her e-mail address, postal address and/or other contact details that are indispensable for making the purchase, truthfully and accurately. The User also consents to the use of the information provided for sending the ticket, for sending information messages concerning the session to which the ticket refers, for contact for postponements and cancellations, and also for billing and payment. If all necessary information is not provided, the purchase will not be proceeded with.  
  6. Turcultur is not responsible for any interferences, interruptions, disconnections, anomalies, failures, delays, inaccuracies, defects or delays in sending the email address previously set by the user with the ticket and which arise from incorrect, inaccurate or erroneous data provided by the user when purchasing the ticket, or any other fact or reason beyond the control or will of Turcultur.  
  7. To proceed with the purchase of tickets, the User must select on the Website the type(s) and quantity(s) of ticket(s) they wish to purchase by clicking on "Select date". 
  8. Once you have selected the products you wish to purchase, the User should choose the day and time of the session, and proceed to payment by clicking on "Book".
  9. The User can then view the date and time of the session chosen and all the tickets selected and the associated cost. To confirm the purchase, the User must complete the form provided, in which they must indicate the requested data essential to the completion of the purchase, clicking on "Checkout". Any inaccuracies or omissions are the sole responsibility of the User.
  10. Once the previous steps have been completed, the User must confirm the data in the purchase summary, including the tickets to be purchased, the User data, the billing data and the purchase price and, once confirmed, must select the payment method.
  11. Finally, you must finalise the purchasing procedure by making the payment by clicking on "Buy now".
  12. The User will then receive an order confirmation at the email address previously defined by the User. If they do not receive any of these communications, the user must contact Turcultur by email at booking@lisbonquake.com.
  13. As soon as Turcultur confirms payment and accepts the purchase, the user will be notified through the contact details provided by the latter. At this point, the contract between Turcultur and the user will be formalised.

Payment and invoicing for tickets purchased through the Website  

  1. The forms of payment for tickets are Visa, Mastercard, Paypal, MBWay or other forms that may be made available. 
  2. Through the Visa, Mastercard and Paypal methods, the User must insert the card number, validity and CVC. The money will be debited from the account immediately. 
  3. If the User selects the MBWay payment option, they will be asked for their telephone number and a payment confirmation pop-up will appear on the application on their mobile device. The User must authorise the amount indicated in the application to finalise the purchase process. 
  4. Cash, bank cheques, gift vouchers or gift cheques are not accepted as a payment method. 
  5. The invoice and tickets purchased are sent through the email address previously defined by the User. 
  6. The User is responsible for checking before purchasing the session, date, and other information of the ticket to be purchased. 
  7. The impossibility of the User attending on the day and time of the session or an error in the choice of tickets does not entitle the User to change or refund the value of the tickets.

Acquisition of tickets at the box office 

  1. Quake has a point of sale where Customers can purchase tickets, as well as a place exclusively for Customers who have booked or bought their tickets previously by other means. 
  2. Customers must respect the waiting lines for the purchase of tickets. Turcultur will respect priority for people with disabilities, elderly people, pregnant women and people accompanied by children. 
  3. Customers must confirm that the tickets purchased and respective receipts or invoice are in accordance with the request as well as check any change. 
  4. Invoices/receipts will be sent automatically to the Customer's e-mail address.

Changes, cancellations and refunds 

  1. Due to technical or operational reasons beyond Turcultur's control, such as power failure or water supply failure, which result in the experience being altered, Turcultur reserves the right to suspend the Quake experience.   
  2. In such cases, Turcultur will make all reasonable efforts to contact the customer as soon as possible. In such cases, Turcultur will reschedule the visit. Should such rescheduling not be possible or desired, the customer shall be entitled to a refund of the full purchase price, and may not claim any compensation other than a refund from Turcultur. 
  3. Given the content and means used in the experience provided by Quake and taking into account possible technical, operational and/or human constraints, Turcultur reserves the right to change the way the experience takes place. In these cases, the visit will not be rescheduled, nor will any amount be refunded to the customer. 
  4. Turcultur has total freedom to establish opening hours and to change them without prior notice, in order to guarantee the quality of the visit. 
  5. The experience may not be interrupted in order to leave the location where it is taking place and re-enter. 
  6. Tickets sold by Turcultur are intended for a specific date and time. However, the Customer may try to change them by sending an email to booking@lisbonquake.com at least 48 hours before the date/time of the purchased tickets. The customer accepts that the new date must fall within 30 days of the old date and that the change of date/time of the tickets will only take effect after confirmation of availability by Turcultur via e-mail.
  7. In case of ticket change, Turcultur reserves the right to charge the amount related to the change process (change fee of 3.50€ per ticket), as well as the amount that corresponds to the price difference between the old and the new session, information that will be communicated to the Customer at the time of change.
  8. In case of no-show on the day and time foreseen on the ticket purchased, Turcultur reserves the right not to make any kind of refund and/or change the date of use of the ticket(s). 
  9. Any and all changes to the date and/or time of the session of use of the ticket(s) purchased, will be subject to the maximum capacity of the Quake for the desired day, defined according to the safety rules imposed by law and health authorities. 
  10. In the event of a refund, due to technical or operational reasons beyond Turcultur's control and which result in a change to the experience, this will be made within a maximum of 14 (fourteen) days of the cancellation. Whenever possible, the refund will be made by the same means of payment, but if this is not possible, the User must provide proof of payment and proof of account or card ownership so that the refund can be made by bank transfer.
  11. Users who request the cancellation of tickets purchased, due to technical or operational reasons beyond Turcultur's control and which result in a change to the experience, and under the terms of the previous paragraphs, must request the respective refund by email to info@lisbonquake.com, which must include the following information: order number/purchase order, copy of proof of payment and NIB/IBAN of the bank account. 


Force Majeure 

  1. Turcultur shall not be liable for any failure to perform or delay in performance of any of its obligations caused by events beyond Turcultur's control ("Force Majeure"). 
  2. Force Majeure Reasons include any act, event, failure to perform, omission or accident which is beyond the control of Turcultur including, but not limited to, the following:  
  3. General strikes, or other forms of protest significantly affecting the country; 
  4. Public disturbances, riots, invasions, terrorist attacks or threats, war (whether declared or not) or threats or preparations for war; 
  5. Fires, explosions, storms, floods, earthquakes, flooding, epidemics, pandemics or any other natural disaster; 
  6. Impossibility of using trains, boats, aircraft, motor transport or other means of transport, public or private. 
  7. Impossibility of using public or private telecommunications systems. 
  8. Turcultur's obligations will be considered suspended during the period of the Force Majeure Event and Turcultur will benefit from an extension of the deadline to comply with such obligations, for a period of time equal to the duration of the Force Majeure Event. Turcultur shall use all reasonable means to terminate the Force Majeure or to find a solution that allows us to comply with our obligations despite the Force Majeure.

Purchase of other products on the Website ("Online Store")  

The purchase of products on the Quake Website ("Online Store") is governed by specific Terms and Conditions.  

Personal data 

  1. The entity responsible for the processing of personal data is Turcultur. 
  2. The data protection officer can be contacted directly by letter to Rua do Embaixador, 126 A, 1300-218 Lisboa or by email to info@lisbonquake.com.
  3. Personal data is processed because it is necessary to provide the service, to comply with legal obligations imposed on Turcultur or because it has been consented to. 
  4. Personal data provided by Users and Customers or generated by the use of the service will be processed and stored electronically, and are intended to be processed by Turcultur for customer management and service provision, communication of products and services and sales, network and systems management, accounting, tax and administrative management, information security and physical security control, and compliance with legal obligations.
  5. The processing of identification and use data by Turcultur for the purpose of communication of products and services shall be carried out in accordance with the option of consent expressed by the customer.  
  6. Consent must be prior, free, informed, specific and unambiguous, expressed in a written or oral declaration or by validating an option. The Customer may object to the processing of data for the purpose of communicating products and services at any time through the Website or the email address info@lisbonquake.com. 
  7. Personal data is kept for different periods of time, depending on the purpose for which it is intended and taking into account legal criteria, necessity and minimisation of storage time. 
  8. Turcultur may use subcontractors for the purposes of processing personal data, with these entities being obliged to develop the appropriate technical and organisational measures to protect the data and ensure the defence of the holder's rights. 
  9. The User and the Customer are guaranteed the right to access, rectification, opposition, erasure, limitation and portability of their personal data. The exercise of these rights may be requested by written request sent to Rua do Embaixador, 126 A, 1300-218 Lisbon or to the e-mail address info@lisbonquake.com.  
  10. The client can obtain complete and up-to-date information on the policy of privacy and treatment of personal data, available at www.lisbonquake.com. 
  11. The above applies even if you have booked your ticket through a third party. 
  12. For the Customer's safety we have a CCTV service. 
  13. The Customer declares that for all due purposes to authorize by free, specific and informed will, the capture, processing and respective dissemination of his own image and the personal data inherently associated for his protection and of others, and only for these purposes and during the period strictly necessary for the pursuit of these same purposes.

Applicable Law and Jurisdiction  

  1. Portuguese Law shall apply to all matters not governed by these conditions.  
  2. In case of dispute, in the interpretation or application of these conditions, the competent court is the District Court of Lisbon, with express waiver of any other. Although it has been translated into English, the document in Portuguese language prevails.

Alternative Dispute Resolution 

In the event of a dispute, the consumer can resort to Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR): Lisbon Consumer Conflict Arbitration Centre 

Rua dos Douradores, n.º 116 - 2.º, 1100 - 207 Lisboa. 


Tel: (+351) 218 807 030 

Fax: (+351) 218 807 038 

Email: juridico@centroarbitragemlisboa.pt 
